Brian Borge

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Brian Borge

Senior Software Engineer

Senior engineer with a strong background in Ruby, SQL, and serverless technologies. Responsible for implementing new features, identifying and fixing bugs, performance tuning SQL, and mentoring junior engineers. Skilled at jumping into unfamiliar codebases, learning new technology quickly, and having a wide range overview of topics related to the tech world. In my spare time, I like volunteering at events like RailsBridge and Ruby for Good.

Technical Skills

  • Languages: Ruby, T-SQL, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS
  • Tools: Git, Docker, Microsoft Office, VSCode, Jira, Confluence, Datadog, GitHub
  • Cloud Technologies: AWS Lambda, S3, DynamoDB
  • Databases: Microsoft SQL Server, Redis, PostgreSQL
  • Libraries and Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, RSpec, Sidekiq, Pusher, SAM CLI
  • Operating Systems: MacOS, Linux, Windows

Professional Experience

Veracross - Wakefield, MA
Senior Full-Stack Engineer, November 2015 - September 2020
  • Collaborated with teammates on API technical design and implementation to enable scaling with AWS Lambda
  • Improved user account security by implementing a system to immediately log users out when their account became disabled
  • Streamlined local development processes by dockerizing applications for local development
  • Eliminated support engineering work to upload multiple files by implementing self-service batch file uploader
  • Increased efficiency of custom academic report building process by consolidating similar processed into Ruby libraries
  • Started, directed, and organized Lightning Talks, short weekly talks given by employees on tech or company related topics
BRdata - Melville, NY
Software Engineer, March 2015 - November 2015
  • Reconstructed authentication system which led to improved user account security
  • Directed and coached adoption of Git as standard version control system
  • Increased developer efficiency by implementing Agile development methodologies and incorporating tools such as Pivotal Tracker

Past Experience

Greg D’Angelo Construction Inc - Wainscott, NY
Assistant Project Manager, December 2012 - October 2014
  • Streamlined existing logistical processes by implementing a web-based construction program; greatly improving the efficiency of the bidding process
  • Managed sub-contractors and temporary laborers resources of numerous projects simultaneously
  • Used cloud-based technology to encourage real-time management of resources through collaboration
  • Worked with multiple supervisors and was able to experience different management techniques and participated in different team dynamics

Education and Training

State University of New York at Albany
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Economics, December 2012 - October 2014
Dev Bootcamp NYC
December 2012 - October 2014